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The voice of Mexican small-scale fishers in times of COVID-19: Impacts, responses, and digital divide.

Yeaar: 2021 Cite this article: Lopez-Ercilla, I., Espinosa-Romero, M.J., Fernandez Rivera-Melo, F.J., Fulton, S.,...


Trying to collapse a population for conservation: commercial trade of a marine invasive species by artisanal fishers

Year: 2021 Cite this article: Malpica-Cruz, L., Fulton, S., Quintana, A. et al. Trying to collapse...


Las mujeres mexicanas en las pesquerías en pequeña escala mexicanas: su rol en el bienestar comunitario durante la pandemia de COVID-19

Year: 2021 Cite this article: López-Ercilla, I., Torre, J., Solano, N. & Fernández, F....


Las organizaciones de la sociedad civil que promueven la pesca sostenible durante el COVID-19

Year: 2021 Cite this article: Torre, J. (2021). Las organizaciones de la sociedad civil...


Impact of SCUBA divers on the coral reefs of a national park in the Mexican Caribbean

Year: 2021 Cite this article: Cerutti-Pereyra, F., López-Ercilla, I., Sánchez-Rivera, G., Francisco, V., Arvizu-Torres,...


Buscando agregaciones reproductivas de peces en el caribe mexicano

Year: 2021 Cite this article: Hernandez-Velasco A, Acevedo A. Naal M, Dominguez-Guerrero I. Ochoa...


Buceando en la Península de Baja California con los meros gigantes del Pacífico

Year: 2021 Cite this article: Hernandez-Velasco A, Ramírez A.. Dominguez-Guerrero I. Ochoa E. Castro-Reyes...


Recursos pesqueros: Conocer para proteger y conservar

Year: 2021 Cite this article: Cuevas G, F.J. Fernández-Rivera Melo, E. Gastélum-Nava, Rocha, L,...


In Mexico, Women Play Integral, Overlooked Role in Sustainable Fisheries

Year: 2021 Cite this article: Muñoz-Nuñez, D. (22 de Marzo de 2021). Walton Family...


Lecciones de una pandemia. Poniendo a prueba la resiliencia del sector pesquero mexicano.

Year: 2021Cite this article: Lecciones de una pandemia. Poniendo a prueba la resiliencia del...


Hard times. Fishing communities in Mexico grapple with the challenge of maintaining sustainable practices during the pandemic

Year: 2021 Cite this article:  Acevedo-Rosas, A., Fernández-Rivera Melo, F.J. & López-Ercilla, I. 2020....


Mexico’s fishers adapt, innovate while government lags behind: expert

Year: 2021Cite this article: Vidal, O. (20 de Febrero de 2021). Mexico’s fishers adapt,...


Goliath grouper Epinephelus itajara oral history, use, and conservation status in the Mexican Caribbean and Campeche Bank

Year: 2021 Cite this article: Bravo Calderón, Arturo & Sáenz-Arroyo, Andrea & Espinoza...


Marine diversity in the biosphere reserve of the most oceanic island in the Gulf of California: San Pedro Mártir

Year: 2021 Cite this article: Amador-Castro IG, Fernández-Rivera Melo FJ, Torre J (2021)...


Asymmetry across international borders: Research, fishery and management trends and economic value of the giant sea bass ( Stereolepis gigas )

Year: 2021 Cite this article: Ramirez-Valdez, A. et al. 2021. Asymmetry across international...


Corrigendum: Unveiling Women's Roles and Inclusion in Mexican Small-Scale Fisheries (SSF)

Year: 2021Cite this article: Solano N, Lopez-Ercilla I, Fernandez-Rivera Melo FJ and Torre J...
