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The MPA Guide: A framework to achieve global goals for the ocean

Year: 2021 Cite this article: Grorud-Colvert, K. 2021. The MPA Guide: A framework to...


Buscando agregaciones reproductivas de peces en el caribe mexicano

Year: 2021 Cite this article: Hernandez-Velasco A, Acevedo A. Naal M, Dominguez-Guerrero I. Ochoa...


Buceando en la Península de Baja California con los meros gigantes del Pacífico

Year: 2021 Cite this article: Hernandez-Velasco A, Ramírez A.. Dominguez-Guerrero I. Ochoa E. Castro-Reyes...


Marine diversity in the biosphere reserve of the most oceanic island in the Gulf of California: San Pedro Mártir

Year: 2021 Cite this article: Amador-Castro IG, Fernández-Rivera Melo FJ, Torre J (2021)...


Agregaciones de peces

Year: 2020Cite this article: Hernandez-Velasco A, Caamal J. Dominguez-Guerrero I. Ochoa E. 2020. Agregaciones...


Geographic variation in responses of kelp forest communities of the California Current to recent climatic changes

Year: 2020Cite this article: Beas-Luna R, Micheli F, Woodson CB, et al. Geographic variation...


Maravillas escondidas en los Nudibranquios

Year: 2020Cite this article: Hernandez-Velasco A, Moran A. Gonzalez A. 2020. Maravillas escondidas en...


Diferencias entre focas, lobos y elefantes marinos

Year: 2020Cite this article: Hernandez-Velasco A, Galvan M, Arias del Razo A. 2020. Diferencias...


Echinoderm functional diversity does not correlate with the protection level of marine protected areas in the mexican Pacific

Year: 2020 Cite this article: Rojas-Montiel. B., H. Reyes-Bonilla, L.E. Calderón-Aguilera, G.Ramírez- Ortiz, A....


Should we protect extirpated fish spawning aggregation sites?

Year: 2020 Cite this article: Chollett, I., M. Priest, S. Fulton, W.D. Heyman. 2020....


Paraiso en Isla San Jerónimo. Bosques de sargazo gigante

Year: 2020 Cite this article: Hernandez-Velasco A, I. Dominguez. 2020. Paraíso en Isla San...


En Isla Natividad misticos tiburones siete branquias

Year: 2019 Cite this article: Hernandez-Velasco A, Dominguez I. 2019. En Isla Natividad tiburones...


A metadata approach to evaluate the state of ocean knowledge: strengths, limitations, and application to Mexico

Year: 2019 Cite this article: Palacios-Abrantes, J., A.M. Cisneros-Montemayor, M.A. Cisneros-Mata, L. Rodríguez, F....


A mass-balanced food web model for a kelp forest ecosystem near its southern distributional limit in the northern hemisphere

Year: 2018 Cite this article: Vilalta-Navas A., R. Baes-Luna, L.E. Calderon-Aguilera, L. Ladah, F....


Northernmost Occurrence of Zanclus cornutus(Zanclidae) in the Eastern Pacific (Northern Gulf of California, Mexico)

Year: 2018 Cite this article: Fernández-Rivera Melo, F.J., H. Reyes-Bonilla, V. Martínez-Castillo, F. Pérez-Alarcón....


Occurrence of Glaucus atlanticus in the Midriff Islands region, Gulf of California, Mexico

Year: 2018 Cite this article: Hernández, L., A. Mungía-Vega, F. Perez-Alarcon, F. Fernández Rivera...
