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Caribbean Sea


Trying to collapse a population for conservation: commercial trade of a marine invasive species by artisanal fishers

Year: 2021 Cite this article: Malpica-Cruz, L., Fulton, S., Quintana, A. et al. Trying to collapse...


Impact of SCUBA divers on the coral reefs of a national park in the Mexican Caribbean

Year: 2021 Cite this article: Cerutti-Pereyra, F., López-Ercilla, I., Sánchez-Rivera, G., Francisco, V., Arvizu-Torres,...


Buscando agregaciones reproductivas de peces en el caribe mexicano

Year: 2021 Cite this article: Hernandez-Velasco A, Acevedo A. Naal M, Dominguez-Guerrero I. Ochoa...


Should we protect extirpated fish spawning aggregation sites?

Year: 2020 Cite this article: Chollett, I., M. Priest, S. Fulton, W.D. Heyman. 2020....


Marine conservation outcomes are more likely when fishers participate as citizen scientists: case studies from the Mexican mesoamerican reef

Year: 2018 Cite this article: Fulton, S., J. Caamal-Madrigal, A. Aguilar-Pererat, L. Bourillón, W....


Recovering big fish: communication strategy for fish spawning aggregations conservation and management in the wider Caribbean

Year: 2018 Cite this article: Salcedo, A., R. Claro Madruga, K. Sherman, K, Lindeman,...


Groupers spawning aggregations in the Mexican Caribbean

Year: 2017 Cite this article: Stuart F., J. Caamal, E. Nalesso, W. Heyman. 2017. ...


Biophysycal principles for designing a network of replenishment zones for the Mesoamerican Reef System

Year: 2017 Cite this article:Green A., I. Chollett, A. Suárez, C. Dahlgren, S. Cruz,...


A case for redefining the boundaries of the Mesoamerican Reef Ecoregion

Year: 2017 Cite this article: Chollett, I., L.Garavelli, D. Holstein,  L. Cherubin, S. Fulton,...


Caracterización de la pesquería de tiburón en el norte de Quintana Roo

Year: 2016 Cite this article: Marcos-Camacho S.A., E. Nalesso, J.A. Camal-Madrigal, S. Fulton. 2016....


La protección de sitios de agregaciones reproductivas de peces en México a través de la participación comunitaria

Year: 2015 Cite this article: Caamal, J., S. Fulton. 2015. La protección de sitios...
