The shadow of hierarchy in marine fisheries governance
Año: 2021Cita esta publicación: Espinosa-Romero, M. J. (2021). The shadow of hierarchy in...
Seeking blue justice through collective effort: a case study in the Gulf of California
Year: 2020Cite this article: Fitzmaurice, F., López, G. (2020). Seeking blue justice through collective...
Achieving coordination of decentralized fisheries governance through collaborative arrangements: a case study of Sian Ka´an Biosphere Reserve in Mexico
Year: 2020 Cite this article: Medina Birgit S., X. Basurto, S. Fulton, A. Espinoza-Tenorio....
Synthesizing ecological and human use information to understand and manage coastal change
Year: 2018 Cite this article: Fujitani, M.L., J. Torre, E. Fenichel, L. Gerber. 2017....
Fostering fisheries management efficiency through collaboration networks: the case of the Kanan Kay Alliance in the Mexican Caribbean
Year: 2016 Cite this article: Moreno A., L. Bourillón, E. Flores, S. Fulton S....
Ruta de sociabilización para integrar al sector productivo en el diseño de una red de zonas de recuperación pesquera en la Región de las Grandes Islas, Golfo de California
Year: 2016 Cite this article: Suárez-Castillo A., J. Torre, M. Mancha-Cisneros, J. Álvarez-Romero, M.J....
The emergence of access controls in small-scale fishing commons: a comparative analysis of individual licenses and common property-rights in two mexican communities
Year: 2012 Cite this article: Basurto X., A. Cinti, L. Bourillon, M. Rojo, J....
The unintended consequences of formal fisheries policies: Social disparities and resource overuse in a major fishing community in the Gulf of California, Mexico
Year: 2009 Cite this article: Cinti, A. W. Shaw, R.Cudney-Bueno, M.Rojo. 2009. The unintended...
Governance and effects of marine reserves in the Gulf of California, Mexico
Year: 2009 Cite this article: Cudney-Bueno R., L. Bourillon, A. Saenz-Arroyo, J. Torre-Cosio, P....
Biological and ecological mechanisms supporting marine self-governance: the Seri callo de hacha fishery in Mexico
Year: 2008 Cite this article: Basurto, X. 2008. Biological and ecological mechanisms supporting marine...
How locally designed access and use controls can prevent the tragedy of the commons in a Mexican Small-Scale Fishing Community
Year: 2004 Cite this article: Basurto, X. 2005. How locally designed access and use...
Exclusive fishing zone as a strategy for managing fishery resources by the Seri indians, Gulf of California
Year: 2002 Cite this article: Bourillon-Moreno L. 2002. Exclusive fishing zone as a strategy...