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Integrating climate adaptation and transboundary management: Guidelines for designing climate-smart marine protected areas

Year: 2023 Cite this article: Arafeh-Dalmau, N., Munguia-Vega, A., Micheli, F., Vilalta-Navas, A., Villasenor-Derbez,...


Socioeconomic dilemmas of commercial markets for invasive species: lessons from lionfish in Mexico

Year: 2023 Cite this article: Quintana, A., Marcos, S., Malpica-Cruz, L., Tamayo, L., Canto...


Institutional amnesia pushes fish spawning aggregations towards extirpation

Year: 2023 Cite this article: Fulton, S. (2023). Institutional amnesia pushes fish spawning aggregations...


Mucho ojo y mucho aguante

Year: 2023 Cite this article: Bernard, J. Hernández-Velasco, . 2023. Mucho ojo y mucho...


Biomass accrual benefits of community-based marine protected areas out-weight their operational costs

Year: 2023 Cite this article:Villaseñor-Derbez, J. C., Fulton, S., Hernández-Velasco, A., & Amador, I. (2023)....


Enfermedad línea rosa en corales

Year: 2023 Cite this article: Bozu, H. Hernández-Velasco, A. Ochoa, E. Reyes-Bonilla , H. 2023....


Comunidades pesqueras al rescate

Year: 2023 Cite this publication: Villanueva, R. Ochoa, E. Hernández-Velasco, A. 2023 Comunidades pesqueras al...


El sector productivo no escapa a la digitalización: la incorporación de las Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación (TIC) en la pesca en pequeña escala

Year: 2023 Cite this article:Cuevas-Gómez G. C., S.R. Fulton, K. A. Lizárraga-Morales, R. Fernández-Chávez, A....


Decalogue - The International Year of Artisanal Fisheries and Aquaculture in Mexico

Year: 2023 Cite this article: Espinoza-Tenorio A, MJ Espinosa-Romero, RI Rojas-González, AK Campa-Madrid, S Salas-...


Pescando el Momento: Photography during COVID-19.

Year: 2023 Cite:COBI. (2023). Pescando el Momento: Fotografía comunitaria durante la pandemia por COVID-19. Guaymas,...
