Coastal and Marine Spatial Planning in the Northern Gulf of California, Mexico: Consolidating stewardship, property rights, and enforcement for ecosystem-based fisheries management
Year: 2020Cite this article: Morzaria-Luna H.,Turk-Boyer P., Polanco-Mizquez E.I., Downton-Hoffmann C., Cruz-Piñón G., Carrillo-Lammens...
Reproductive Study of Megapitaria aurantiaca (Sowerby, 1831) (Bivalvia: Veneridae) in Puerto Libertad, Sonora, Mexico
Year: 2020Cite this article: Hernández-Moreno E.P., A.K. Romo-Piñera, F.J. Fernández-Rivera Melo, C.A. Aguilar-Cruz, H. Reyes-Bonilla, J.M. López-Vivas 2020. Reproductive...
Abundance and harvest strategy of three species of clam (Bivalvia: Veneridae) located in new fishing banks in the Gulf of California
Year: 2020Cite this article: López-Rocha J., F.J. Fernández-Rivera Melo, E. Gastélum-Nava, E. Larios-Castro. 2020....
Manual for implementing the community leaders program
Year: 2020Cite this article: COBI. (2020) Manual para implementar el programa de liderazgo comunitario....
Los magníficos Rocotes
Year: 2020Cite this article: Hernandez-Velasco A, Sanchez-Cota, B. Precoma de la Mora, M. Díaz-Mora...
Seeking blue justice through collective effort: a case study in the Gulf of California
Year: 2020Cite this article: Fitzmaurice, F., López, G. (2020). Seeking blue justice through collective...
Evaluating ecosystem impacts of data-limited artisanal fisheries through ecosystem modelling and traditional fisher knowledge
Year: 2020Cite this article: Cisneros- Montemayor, A.M, M.J Zetina-Rejòn, M.J Espinosa-Romero, M.A Cisneros-Mata, G.G....
Maravillas escondidas en los Nudibranquios
Year: 2020Cite this article: Hernandez-Velasco A, Moran A. Gonzalez A. 2020. Maravillas escondidas en...
Diferencias entre focas, lobos y elefantes marinos
Year: 2020Cite this article: Hernandez-Velasco A, Galvan M, Arias del Razo A. 2020. Diferencias...
Video-Giants of the Past
COBI has prepared a video about three top predators, the big fish of Mexico´s...
Video-Rebels of the Sea
Watch video Enjoy the book and download it for free
Book - Rebels of the Sea
Year: 2020 Cite this publication: Comunidad y Biodiversidad, A.C. (COBI). (2020). Rebeldes del Mar....
Rebels of the sea
To the Rebels of the Sea, because we need more. In a changing and...
Achieving coordination of decentralized fisheries governance through collaborative arrangements: a case study of Sian Ka´an Biosphere Reserve in Mexico
Year: 2020 Cite this article: Medina Birgit S., X. Basurto, S. Fulton, A. Espinoza-Tenorio....
Paraiso en Isla San Jerónimo. Bosques de sargazo gigante
Year: 2020 Cite this article: Hernandez-Velasco A, I. Dominguez. 2020. Paraíso en Isla San...
Should we protect extirpated fish spawning aggregation sites?
Year: 2020 Cite this article: Chollett, I., M. Priest, S. Fulton, W.D. Heyman. 2020....